Why its Important to Have a Professional Headshot on LinkedIn

Why it’s important to have a professional headshot on your LinkedIn profile.
I see people on LinkedIn all the time using bad photos for their Headshots. I’m talking selfies, smartphone photos of them sitting at their desk or even their company badge ID photo.
With LinkedIn saying that profiles with Headshots get viewed 7x as much as profiles without and 92% of recruiters saying they hire off LinkedIn, why wouldn’t you want to get a professional headshot.
With LinkedIn being the biggest social media site and thousands of recruiters using it to hire from, why wouldn’t you take advantage of it to its fullest by having a great headshot.
A few reasons why you should have an amazing headshot on LinkedIn is because you need to look the part of a professional. First impressions are everything and if your LinkedIn profile picture is a selfie of you. Most recruiters or companies wanting to connect and do business with you would feel that your not the most professional.
Another reason to go ahead and get that headshot for your Linkedin is to show people you take your career seriously. Taking a few hours out of your day to go see a photographer who specializes in Headshots is a good way to show people that you do take your career and business seriously and if they were to hire or work with you that you would take your engagement with them seriously.
An amazing headshot can really make you stand out from the crowd and definitely, stands out and recruiters and other people in your industry take notice. It also helps you stay top of mind with people who have come across your LinkedIn profile. I specifically know who in my industry and previous career industry has had an amazing headshot.
The last point I want to bring up is that your LinkedIn profile many of times it’s your first impression. As being a public social media profile, your LinkedIn profile is your outward facing public image of who you are. Why don’t make your LinkedIn profile something that gets your noticed for all the right reasons by starting with an amazing headshot?
For more tips on getting your best headshot, please check out our FAQs and Blog for more great information!